


=Pre-scholastic period
-Hugh of Rouen (c. 1080-1164)
~Contra haereticos sui temporis sive De ecclesia et ejus ministris libri tres
-Hugh of St. –Victor (c. 1096-1141)
~De sacramentis
=1530 Reformation
-Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560)
~Confession of Augsburg –“Where is the Church?”
>Art. IV: “where the Word of God is preached and the sacraments are administered according to the gospel.”
-Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621)
~De controversiis
>“The one and true Church is the community of people brought together by the same Christian faith and united in the communion of the same sacraments under the government of the legitimate pastors, esp. the one vicar of Christ on earth, the Roman pontiff.”
=Modern Catholic Ecclesiology
-Johann Adam Möhler (1796-1838)
>Church as living organism led by the Spirit
-Matthias Scheeben (1835-1888)
>Church as “mystery”
-Christian Duquoc
>The Church is dynamic and provisional
-Hans Küng
>One can know what the Church should be now if one knows what it was originally
-Avery Dulles
>Models of the Church
1943 - Pope Pius XII
~Mystici corporis
~Vatican II -Cardinal Léon Suenens
>“Ecclesia Dei, quid dicis de te ipso?” (“Church of God, what do you say of yourself?”)
1964 -Pope Paul VI
~Ecclesiam suam
>Being Church means sharing a distinctive self-awareness and on the basis of this self-awareness, engaging in a multisided dialogue
-Paul Tillich (1886-1965)
>Faith as gift and response
>Christian Church is the community of those who acknowledge Jesus as the one Mediator of both the divine gift and the human response
Church Councils
>Vatican I
~Pastor aeternus (1870)
>Vatican II (1962-65)
~Lumen gentium
(Dogmatic Constitution of the Church)
~Gaudium et spes
(Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World)

= Era/Age
>teaching about the Church

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