

1. To become familiar with the topic dealt with in this third unit, click on the link provided and get rich playing the game.
2. On the next link, you will find information about different sports. Choose only one of them, better if it is one you are not familiar with, and write a composition following the model you have in the Students Book on page 39.
3. Think of at least 10 different sentences comparing the sports you have learnt about. Use the comparative, superlative, too and enough or not enough. Practice at home before we do it orally in the classroom.
4. To finish this unit, working in groups of no more than 3 people, choose one the sports we have seen or any other sport you like, and make a presentation using Prezy. All the projects must deal with a different sport, and they all have to include basic information about the sport: how it is played, number of players, famous sport people who practice it, images, etc.


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