Science Fair Project- Middle School

Help! What shall I do?


Mrs. Paluso has gathered information and sites to help do a science fair project.

Middle School students: If you need a contract, go to the Homework Link on her home pages. You'll find easy beginning information there, too!

Middle School students should also check the link on this page to her Paluso Science Fair Project Packet for step-by-step help. Also the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair has an excellent step by step guideline (see link) for Middle School students.

Middle students will be showing their hands on, self-directed investigations Febraury 9, 2006 at the Chabad K-8 Science Fair. Students will be explaining their projects and problem solving skills. Selected 7th & 8th grade students hope to be invited to display their projects at the Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair in March. (See

Make sure you look at Science Fair Central ...first link on this page for lots of help!

Books written by authors like Janice van Cleave abound with great ideas. Check out your local library or bookstore or visit our science classroom at school.

Who can do this project? Students can do it alone or with parents.

What is a science project?
“A science project is like a mystery in which you are the detective searching for answers. Science projects let you practice and exhibit your detective skills. You not only get to select which mystery to solve, but you can creatively design methods for uncovering clues that will lead to the final revelation of who, what, when, where, how, and why. It's your job to discover the answers!” Janice van Cleve

How to get an idea? What does the student ‘wonder about’? More ideas on links on this page!

What steps must we follow?
Students, like all scientists, follow the Scientific Method. Click on the second link on this page.

What do we bring to Science Fair?

· Display Board (required of everyone)
· Notebook (optional, except for 5th grade)

Why do we do Science Fairs?

It's quality time spent with a parent! It's FUN and...

"Science fairs give students the opportunity to study a topic that interests them. Projects can be as varied as your students' interests, such as sports, music, art, rocketry, psychology, and computers. Through their projects, students will discover that science is found in every niche of the universe.

Further, science projects allow students to:
* Use the scientific method to develop an understanding of controls and variables.
* Take an open and creative approach to problem solving.
* Sharpen their writing skills.
* Gain skills in library use.
* Learn that a successful outcome is based not on personal opinion but on scientific fact.
* Develop time management skills.
* Develop public speaking skills as they present projects to classmates and judges.
* Compete in a science fair where students are recognized for academic achievement. The judging process also provides students with the invaluable experience of developing poise and thinking on their feet."
Content Used by Permission from Showboard, Inc.


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