Viaticum (Latin for "Holy Communion" and literally means "food for the journey") and prayers for the dead and the dying are the "Last Rites". This term gets confused the Sacrament of Anointing, because in the distant past, the sacrament was referred to in Latin as Extreme Unction or "Last Anointing".

Death Is Near: If you are making an emergency call, know that often a priest may not be available immediately. In such cases, when death is fast approaching, a Roman Catholic lay chaplain, a deacon, or a Eucharistic minister may celebrate the rites of Viaticum and lead the Prayers for the Commendation of the Dying.

If The Patient Has Died: If a priest is not available, a deacon, pastoral care minister, or a Eucharistic minister may lead the Prayers for the Dead.

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