
Due to a low turn-out at our group support meetings, we have decided to no longer meet on a monthly basis. We will be taking an individual approach to meeting the support needs of our parishioners who are dealing with cancer. We are available to offer a listening ear, provide supportive resources, and/or pray with you, or anyone who is challenged by a diagnosis of cancer. The contact persons for our support team are: Carol Hornung: 505-2918, Cheryl Reynolds: 587-6463, and Kathy Tate: 587-4634.

    Coping With Cancer

Ever Abiding One, I need you in my life now more than ever. Each day brings its own set of challenges for my vulnerable spirit and body. Help me to live with the conditions of my illness without giving in to discouragement or despair. Do not let the questions and the unknowns drown out the voice of your tender presence. Guide the physicians to make good decisions. Give me courage and wisdom to make my own good choices in treating this illness of mine. Teach me to embrace the gift of each new day and to give thanks for all who help me. Constantly assure me that you will not forsake me. You will be by my side, my Trusted Guardian. Help me walk the delicate balance of hope and surrender. Amen. --Joyce Rupp--

If you have any cancer-related questions or needs, please contact Ginny Feeney in the Pastoral Care Office at 741-2800, ext. 218 or

The Lord your God goes with you; he will not fail or forsake you. Dt31:6

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