English IV B day

October 11 - December 20



English 4 TP Lesson Plans B-Day 2nd Week of Oct 12 – Dec 20
Week Objectives: (derived from the state standards)

E4-R1.2-3 E4-R1.5-9 E4-R1.1-10 E4-R2.1-6 E4-R3.1-3 E4-W1.1-6.4

Wednesday October 11
• Vocab 9 Test (assessment)
• Work on vocab lesson 10
• Work on culmination project.

Friday October 13
• Vocab Lesson 10 due/activity
• Work on culmination project. Due at the beginning of class Friday Oct. 20.

Thursday October 19
• Vocab test 10
• Work on reviews for mastery
• Culmination project to be turned in.
• Introduce Career Research project
• Explain folders and how to take notes.
• Explain how to document information.
• Personality PowerPoint

Monday October 23
• Mastery reviews due – review answers
• Library time to research/gather ideas for career.
• Topic due at end of class.

Wednesday October 25
• Mastery Test (assessment)
• Work on vocab lesson 11
• Explain preliminary outline/brainstorm. May be web or in outline form.
• Computer Lab time to continue to gather research.

Friday October 27
• Vocab WS 11 due
• Review preliminary outline/brainstorm. Due by end of period
• Computer lab time to continue/wrap up research.

Tuesday October 31
• Vocab 11 Test
• Work on vocab 12 handout
• Discuss questions about research process. Evaluate where students are.
• Explain paraphrase, summary and direct quote.
• Explain/demonstrate how to organize paper.
• Explain how to write thesis statement and finalize outline.
• Accept notes and sources early.

Thursday November 2
• Vocab ws 12 due
• Review bullets and source information
• Library time to finalize research.
• 30 bullets and 3 sources due at end of class.

Monday November 6
• Vocab 12 Test
• Work on vocab 13 handout
• Look through newspapers for vocabulary words.
• Select 10 different articles. Summarize 5. Examine subject/verb agreement in other 5.
• Select 10 different vocabulary words to put into research paper.

Thursday November 9
• Vocab WS 13 due
• All sources for paper due.
• Work on rough draft.
• Work on introduction, organizing ideas for paper.
• Explain voice, word choice and point of view. 1st person point of view.
• Review thesis statement and finalize outline.
• Time for individual instruction
• How to incorporate quotes, etc.

Monday November 13
• Vocab Test 13
• Work on vocab 14 handout
• Continue to work on paper organization.
• Work on quotes.
• Subject/verb agreement

Wednesday November 15
• Vocab 14 handout due
• All notes and sources due.
• Work on draft.
• Work on thesis and outline.
• Work on subject/verb agreement
• Work on pronoun/antecedent agreement
• Work on punctuation.

Friday November 17
• Vocab 14 Test
• Work on vocab 15 handout
• Thesis and outline due.
• Continue drafting and work on mechanics of paper.

Tuesday November 21
• Vocab 15 handout due
• Computer lab time to type rough draft?

Tuesday November 28
• Vocab 15 test
• Work on vocab mastery reviews
• Peer edit session. Look for subject/verb agreement/1st person point of view/punctuation
• Computer lab time to type rough draft?

Thursday November 30
• Vocab mastery reviews due
• Rough draft due at end of class.
• Computer lab time to finalize rough draft?

Monday December 4
• Activity with vocab words
• Pass back rough drafts
• Time in class to work on revisions
• Comp./Lib time?

Wednesday December 6
• Activity with vocab words
• Peer edit session
• Comp/Lib time?

Friday December 8
• Activity with vocab words
• Peer edit session
• Comp/Lib time to finalize rough drafts

Tuesday December 12
• Activity with vocab words
• 30 minutes class time to wrap up/turn in final drafts.
• Newspaper activity
• Start exam review 5B

Thursday December 14
• Exam review for 5B
• Newspaper activity with 8B

Monday December 18
• 5B Semester exam
• 8B exam review

Wednesday December 20
• 8B Semester exam

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