English III CP

Vocabulary Words


Dear Parents of English III CP students,

After much thought and consideration, I have decided that it is in the best interests of the students to adjust the way I teach vocabulary. I want to teach them how to fish so they may feed themselves for life, instead of fishing for them, if that makes any sense. Students will now be taught the roots of words. This way they will be able to determine meanings of other words even though they may never have seen the words before. This will help them in their reading of other material and on the SAT as well.

Students received roots words and several example words with definitions today in class. (9/1/06) They will be tested on those words on Friday of next week, September 8th. We will have a 10 minute vocabulary activity in class on Wednesday to help prepare for the test.

The format of the test will be the following:
The students will have a blank piece of note book paper on their desks. I will call out 10 words. (One at a time) They must correctly spell and define those 10 words.

Students are asked to keep all of their vocabulary lists. (Even the first 2 we have completed.) In the near future, they will be assigned to include vocabulary words in projects and essays.

Listed below are the vocabulary words that your students were given today in class. Thank you in advance for your help and support regarding this adjustment. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Thanks again for your help and support!

Angie Kiker

Latin Roots 1
Rupt : “break,” “burst”

1. abrupt – sudden
2. corrupt – adj. vicious (broken to pieces)
3. corrupt – v. change from good to bad (break to pieces)
4. disrupt – break apart
5. erupt – burst or break out
6. incorruptible – incapable of being corrupted
7. interrupt – break into or between
8. rupture – break; breaking

Voc 9
Latin Roots 2

Cide: “killing,” “killer”

1. fratricide – act of killing (or killer of) one’s brother
2. genocide – deliberate extermination of racial or cultural group
3. germicide – substance that kills germs
4. herbicide – substance that kills plants
5. homicide – killing of one human by another
6. infanticide – act of killing (or killer of) an infant
7. insecticide – substance that kills insects
8. matricide – act of killing (or killer of) one’s mother
9. patricide – act of killing (or killing of) one’s father
10. pesticide – substance that kills rats, insects, bacteria, etc.
11. regicide – act of killing (or killer of) a king
12. sororicide – act of killing (or killer of) one’s sister
13. suicide – act of killing (or killer of) one’s self
14. tyrannicide – act of killing (or killer of) a tyrant

Vocab 10
Latin Roots 3

String (Strict): “bind,” “draw tight”

1. astringent – adj. stern
2. astringent – n. substance that shrinks tissues and checks flow of blood by drawing together blood vessels
3. boa constrictor – snake that “constricts” or crushes its prey in its coils
4. constrict – draw together; bind
5. restrict – keep within limits; confine
6. stricture – adverse criticism; censure
7. stringent – strict; rigid; severe
8. unrestricted – not confined within bounds; free

Latin Roots 4

Vor: “eat greedily”

1. carnivore – flesh-eating animal
2. carnivorous – flesh-eating
3. devour – eat greedily
4. herbivore – plant-eating animal
5. herbivorous – dependent on (eating) plants as food
6. insectivorous – dependent on eating insects as food
7. omnivore – person or animal that eats everything (flesh and plants)
8. omnivorous – avidly taking in everything; an omnivorous reader
9. voracious – greedy in eating; insatiable, as a voracious appetite

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