Book Report Outline


Book Report Outline

Following the outline below, write a five-paragraph book report. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and at least four detail sentences. Printing this outline out and checking off items as you do them might help you to be successful.

Your name and the date should be on the right hand side of the page. The title of the book, properly capitalized must be centered at the top of the page.

Paragraph I –Into/Setting

What is the title/author/genre of this book?

What was the setting for this book? (time/place)
(This book was set in the snow-covered wilderness of Alaska, in the early 1900’s.)

Where did most of the action take place?
Describe this place. (bitterly cold…)

Why did the author choose this setting? (How did it help the story?)

Paragraph II –Characters

Who or what was the main character?

Describe the physical traits of this character? (Gerald had long, shaggy hair and was so tall he was often compared to a tower.)

What kind of personality did this character have? (Gerald was resourceful, he always found ways to solve problems using only what he had easy access to.)

Give an example of the character’s good traits. (He was always caring because he never let an animal go hungry.)

Give an example of a bad trait. (Gerald was easily distracted from his work by his video game.)

Paragraph III –Plot

Briefly summarize the book’s plot in one sentence.

What was the goal of the main character?

Why was he/she/it trying to accomplish this goal?

What or who was working against the main character?

What was the climax to the story?

Paragraph IV –Message

What was the message of the book? (Kindness is always repaid, perhaps when you least expect it.)

Describe how the author got this message across?

Give an example from the book.

What connection do you have to this message?

What did the author want you to learn or feel at the end of the book?
(E.g. Love can be more powerful than physical strength.)

Paragraph V –Review

Did this book hold your interest?

Why or why not?

Did you enjoy the author’s writing style?

Why or why not?

Would you recommend this book to others? Who? Why?


7th and 8th graders are expected to include at least one direct quote per paragraph to prove their points. This skill is taught during the 6th grade year and will be expected to be mastered during the 6th grade year. A score of 3 cannot be given to reports without quotes to students in grade 7 and 8.

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