Science Fair

Advice from previous participants


Advice from previous Science Fair participants:

It’s easier to work by yourself. You should pick a subject you like, know what you are talking about. It’s not about winning or losing, its about having fun.

Work alone or with someone that will work with you and has free time to work on the Science Fair project. You truly need time management.

Make sure you put a lot of work into it.

Try your best and don’t give up or be upset if you don’t win.

Don’t go for something flashy; just make sure you know your project.

It would be better if you didn’t have a partner.

Don’t worry; you will do great no matter what.

Be ready and get it done on time.

Do not leave work for the last minute. Choose wisely when you pick a partner; try to make your project unique. Give it your all.

Be creative. You will all work hard on it. Believe me.

Never save anything for the last minute, work hard, do your best and do work equally.
Know your project!

Don’t stress and really think it over – not just the project. Think if you really want to work with a partner or not. It helped me.

Pick a project that is easy to do.

Write a good report.

Don’t be afraid of the judges and work on your project nightly.

Go with what your heart desires.

Don’t work with a partner, especially your friend because you might not be friends after. Also, if your project doesn’t work, it’s all right. Don’t panic and get nervous around the judges.

Start early and do a simple project so you know it.

Try your hardest and don’t get discouraged if you don’t win.

Practice what you want to say because that is one of the most important parts.
Keep your cool and you’ll do fine.

Winning isn’t everything about the Science Fair.
Don’t stress over the judges, they are regular people who look at your project.

Don’t stress, it’s fun and exciting! Be prepared for it.

You should do a topic that you already know a little about so that you can have a started point.

Don’t worry at all. Put as much effort into it as you can. Good luck to all and most importantly have FUN!

Being original is the best thing and if you are going to do it with a partner make sure you can both explain the project if you didn’t do it all together.

Don’t be nervous when the judges come to you.

You might not win, but don’t get discouraged because EVERYONE IS A WINNER!

Work as hard has you can and do your best.

Really, really know your project. They can ask you anything. Make it simple. Don’t stress.
Try you hardstand have fun with your project. Don’t have someone else do the project for you, but do it yourself. You are always a winner if you do your project the best you can.

Try something original. Make sure you give enough time to your project.

Use pictures for your poster board.

Don’t worry about it, do your best and you will be fine.

Follow the timeline. You don’t have to work every day, but start working on it 3 or 4 times a week. As you get closer to the Science Fair work on it a little more. Try to get the most or all of it done, a week or two before the actual Fair. Work the hardest on your report.

Choose to work with someone if they promise to work with you.

Don’t worry because Science is more fun than it is hard.

Science Fair is a good thing.
Don’t choose a partner because you will have the time to work on your project on your own time.

It’s not about whether your project did or did not work. What matters is your report and how hard you try.

Work by yourself!

Know your project and don’t stress!

Pay attention to in class and work hard.

Don’t stress. Pick something you are interested in and you’ll do fine.
The Science Fair isn’t that bad, it is really fun.

You can’t expect to do it the night before and do well.

Make sure you know your project.

Don’t stress, don’t be disappointed if you don’t win – have FUN!

When the judges come by tell them everything you know and take their advice.

Don’t visit your friends when the judges are around.

Do your best. Don’t do something that is hard for you to explain.

Hang loose, don’t freak out in front of the judges. If you want a partner, do it with someone who you don’t know that well. Get to know them. Don’t fool around!

Be sure you know what you are talking about and you understand your project.

Try your best and work alone!

I think this year, the judges looked for students who made their projects themselves. Do it yourself, not your parents.

Don't wait until the last minute. It is as easy as writing a paragraph if you like what you're doing.

Just do your best and try your hardest and have fun.

Have nice posture when the judges come.

Don't be jealous if you don't get a ribbon.

Pick a project you can do because if you don't it will be hard to work and understand it.

Start your project early and don't wait.

Don't do something you don't know how to do.

Winning doesn't matter. If it did it would be called the Science Contest.

Study harder because the work really pays off.

Start your project early not late.

You should pick an easy project for Science Fair because it isn't about winning it's about getting a good grade and learning about Science.

Science is not only meant for the fun, it is also for the experience and the learning.

I would say to do a project that is different.

I would want there to be a variety of award not just first , second, third.

Science Fair isn't about winning. It' s about learning and expanding. So what if you don't get that blue ribbon? In the school's eyes, everyone is a winner, just work hard and try your best!

Even if you don't win at the Science Fair you are still a winner because you did a project.

Don't doubt yourself and always do your best. Don't worry it's easy, find good research and good luck.

If you try hard you will make a change.

I would say that the Science Fair is nothing to be nervous about and try your best.

Science Fair was a great learning experience.

When you see the timeline, you think that you have enough time and can hold off a little....DON'T DO THAT. There's a reason why they give you all that time so you can plan your project, make your project, and even practice getting judged. Use your time wisely.

Just do a great job and believe in yourself - you are a winner.

Science Fair is not a scary thing. It's something really fun. You can learn something new. When it's Science Fair, do your best even when you think it won't go so well.

Do your best! It's fun and don't be scared of the judges, they are really nice!

Have fun!

Start ahead of time so you can spend more time on it and you know what you are doing.

I think you should all try your best and work hard.


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