What Kind of Volcano Am I?

Volcano Project Rubric


Rubric Score
Written Report
Explosive (4)
Typed and double-spaced. All required details included, plus extra. Concise introduction and conclusion Demonstrates full knowledge of subject. A clear voice is used, withproper vocabulary and pronunciation. Concise introduction & conclusion Looks like the real mountain as it is today. Interesting detail added showing understanding of volcano structure or formation.
Active (3)
Typed or printed in ink and double-spaced. All required details included. Information is in a logical sequence, demonstrating knowledge. A clear voice is used with proper vocabulary. Looks like a volcano. Interesting details, shows appropriate effort for 6th grade.
Dormant (2)
Missing some details or not double-spaced, or not neatly presented Information is difficult to follow, and voice is low making presentation difficult to hear and understand. Volcano shape is unrealistic, sloppy work, lacks effort or interesting features.
Extinct (1)
Many missing details, or poor condition or presentation. No sequence of information, voice is too quiet or mumbles. Presentation cannot be heard or understood. Unacceptable effort for grade level
Non-existent (0)
Nothing turned in. Nothing to present. Nothing turned in.

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