Implementation Plan




The Graph It curriculum web can be used with grades 5 - 7. This curriculum web will be used as a support tool. Students will go through several steps in the curriculum web and the project. First, students will go through a lesson to introduce graphs in class with the teacher. After this introduction and guided practice, students will individually complete a scavenger hunt using the curriculum web. The scavenger hunt will be assessed by the teacher and used in a class discussion. The next step will be for the students to go through the quizzes located on the curriculum web. The quiz provided by Glencoe will be the official quiz and the scores will be emailed to the teacher. Students will have a solid foundation before they start the project in the curriculum web.

Students will work together in collaborative groups and the groups will be created based on results from the scavenger hunt and quiz results. Groups of three to four students at different ability levels will be created by the teacher. The entire plan for the curriculum web project is described below.

The curriculum web project will allow students to evaluate graphs, create graphs, and create a PowerPoint presentation with a variety of information. In order to make sure students are ready for the technology part of the project, teachers need to meet with the computer teacher ahead of time and ask for their assistance. The project will take place in the computer lab and each student will need to have access to a computer during the project. Monitoring each group during class and at the end of class by evaluating the work they completed. For any students that misbehave an alternative assignment will be assigned. The follow-up activity will have the students present their presentation to the class and the PowerPoint’s can be posted on my school website. Plenty of websites are provided for the students to use and for students that finish early, they can visit any websites from the school website. The final presentations will be evaluated using a rubric and each student will complete an evaluation of the project and each member of their group. For technical assistance, use the technology person at school and tell them ahead of time about the project. Also, let them know they will be used for technical support and the computer lab will be needed. If the technology becomes unavailable for an unforeseen reason, the backup plan will have students take their data and make graphs with supplies. The presentation will created by students in the classroom using supplies.

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