Instructional Plan




Subject: Mathematics
Grades: 5-7

Computer Lab
Internet Access
CD ROM, Floppy Disk (something students can save their work to)
LCD Projector

Prior to Curriculum Web Project:

Step 1: (optional)
Students will collect examples of any type of bar graph or histogram from any source outside of school. The information will be used to create a collage on the classroom wall.

Step 2: (optional)
Students will discuss where graphs are used and why they are important. Class work will also be incorporated with guided practice, United Steaming Videos and vocabulary terms. Also, different types of assessment will be used, such as exit slips and pop quizzes.

Curriculum Web Project:

Step 1: (30 min – Day 1)
Students will individually complete a scavenger hunt, using the curriculum web to complete their hunt. The scavenger hunt will take them through various websites on the curriculum web that instruct them how to read, analyze, and interpret graphs. Students will also view websites that explain how to setup graphs and change features.

Step 2: (30 min – Day 1)
Students will individually complete an online quiz and email their results to the teacher. The website is included on the curriculum web, included with other quizzes.

Step 3: (End of Day 1)
Based on scores and performance in class, students will be placed into groups (depending on number of students).

Step 4: (20 min – Day 2)
Mapping out the project. Each group will determine what information they want to collect, what grade levels to survey, how many students they will survey, and how they will collect the information (who will do what).

Step 5: (Day 3 and 4 - not during class)
Groups will collect data for the presentation.

Step 6: (90 min. block – Day 5 and 6)
Each group will research each website that creates graphs and pick the website they want to use. Then each group will take the data and create three types of graphs: horizontal, vertical, and histogram using one of the websites provided. All graphs will be saved on a group CD ROM.

Step 7: (90 min. block – Day 5 and 6)
Collect/Create the following information to be included on the PowerPoint: describe how graphs are used in the world around us, give examples of when a graph would be used, explanations for each type of graph, each graph they created (three total) and analyze each graph created by the group with a written explanation.

Step 8: (90 min. block – Day 5 and 6)
Put all this information in a PowerPoint and add any other information the group thinks is important to the topic.

Post Curriculum Web Project:

Step 9: (60 min – Day 7)
Present the project to the classroom and answer any questions. Each presentation will be assessed using a rubric.

Step 10: (10 min – Day 7)
Each student will fill out and evaluation sheet on the presentation and their group members.

Step 11: (20 min – Day 7)
Retake the online quiz, print out results and compare scores.

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