These are merely suggestions. Please use your imagination to pick someone YOU find interesting. Find someone non-traditional. If you are interested in them, chances are better that your classmates will be too. Suggested Biographical Subjects (7th Grade) Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Appleseed, Johnny Arnold, Benedict Attucks, Crispus Banneker, Benjamin Boone, Daniel Booth, John Wilkes Brown, John Burr, Aaron Calhoun, John, C. Carson, Kit Chapman, John Clay, Henry Cornwallis, Charles Coronado, Francisco Crockett, Davy Davis, Jefferson Dix, Dorothea Douglas, Stephen A. Douglass, Frederick W. Edwards, Johnathan Farragut, David Franklin, Benjamin Garrison, William Lloyd Grant, Ulysses S. Greeley, Horace Hale, Nathan Hamilton, Alexander Hancock, John Henry, Patrick Houston, Sam Hudson, Henry Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Stonewall Jefferson, Thomas Johnny Appleseed Jones, John Paul Lafayette, Marquis de Lafitte, Jean Lee, Robert E. Lincoln, Abraham Madison, Dolley or Dolly Madison, James Mann, Horace Marshall, John Mather, Cotton Monroe, James Morse, Samuel F. B. Paine, Thomas Penn, William Pocahontas Polk, James K. Revere, Paul Ross, Betsy Sacajawea Sherman, William Tecumseh Smith, Captain John Tecumseh Tocqueville, Alexis de Truth, Sojourner Tubman, Harriet Turner, Nat Washington, George Webster, Daniel Webster, Noah Williams, Roger Winthrop, John Suggested Speeches, Battles, Pivotal Events the Alamo The American Crisis Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Burr-Hamilton Duel Concord, Battle of “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes” Dred Scott decision Erie Canal Farewell Address, Washington’s Fort Sumter Gettysburg, Battle of Gettysburg Address “Give me liberty or give me death” Harper’s Ferry “House Divided” speech “I cannot tell a lie” “I have not yet begun to fight” “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country” Lewis and Clark expedition Lexington and Concord, Battle of Liberty Bell Lincoln’s second inaugural address Monitor versus Merrimack “One if by land and two if by sea” Pony Express Preamble to the Constitution Saratoga, Battle of Underground Railroad Yorktown, Battle of Suggested Biographical Subjects (8th Grade) Aaron, Hank Addams, Hane Agnew, Spiro Ali, Muhammad Anthony, Susan B. Barton, Clara Bethune, Mary McLeod Billy the Kid Black, Hugo Bonnie and Clyde Borden, Lizzie Boss Tweed (Tweed, William Marcy) Bradley, Omar Brandeis, Louis D. Bryan, William Jennings Buffalo Bill Bull, Sitting Bunche, Ralph Bush, George H. Bush, George W. Byrd, Richard E. Calamity Jane Capone, Al Carter, Jimmy Carver, George Washington Chief Joseph Cleveland, Grover Clinton, William Jefferson (Bill) Cobb, Ty Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill) Coolidge, Calvin Crazy Horse Daley, Richard Darrow, Clarence Debs, Eugene V. Dewey, John Dillinger, John Disney, Walt Douglas, William O. DuBois, W.E.B. Dulles, John Foster Earhart, Amelia Earp, Wyatt Eisenhower, Dwight D. Falwell, Jerry Farmer, Fannie Ferraro, Geraldine Ford, Gerald Frankfurter, Felix Friedan, Betty Garfield, James A. Garvey, Marcus Gehrig, Lou Geronimo GI Joe Gilman, Charlotte P. Goldwater, Barry Gompers, Samuel Graham, Billy Grant, Ulysses S. Halsey, William F. Harding, Warren G. Hearst, William Randolph Hickok, Wild Bill Hiss, Alger Hoffa, Jimmy Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Hoover, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Humphrey, Hubert Jackson, Jesse James, Jess Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Lyndon Baines (LBJ) Joseph, Chief Keller, Helen Kennedy, Edward (Ted) Kennedy, John F. (JFK) Kennedy, Robert King, Martin Luther, Jr. La Guardia, Fiorello Lindbergh, Charles A. Lippman, Walter Long, Huey Louis, Joe MacArthur, Doulas Malcolm X Marshall, George C. Marshall, Thurgood McCarthy, Joseph R. McGovern, George McKinley, William Mondale, Walter Murrow, Edward R. Nation, Carry Nimitz, Admiral Chester Nixon, Richard O’Connor, Sandra Day Oswald, Lee Harvey Owens, Jesse Parks, Rosa Patton, George Peary, Robert E. Pershing, John Rankin, Jeanette Reagan, Ronald Robinson, Jackie Rockefeller, Nelson Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR) Roosevelt, Theodore Ruth, Babe Sacco and Vanzetti Sanger, Margaret Seward, William H. Sitting Bull Stanton, Elizabeth Cady Stevenson, Adlai E. Taft, William Howard Thorpe, Jim Truman, Harry S. Tweed, William Marcy Wallace, George Warren, Earl Washington, Booker T. Wild Bill Hickok Wilson, Woodrow Suggested Speeches, Pivotal Events to Recreate for 3 Minute Presentations “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” Chappaquiddick incident Cross of Gold speech Custer’s last stand “date which will live in infamy” Fourteen Points “I have a dream” “I shall return” “Lafayette we are here” “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Battle of the Little Bighorn “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” fireside chat |
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