Google Tools
  Google tools and resources



Google Tools is an excellent search engine to us in your classrooms. I use Google Tools for just about anything from searching for various topics for education purpose, such as research papers to finding more information on or furthering my knowledge of a particular subject area. In addition, I have had students use Google to search for facts and gather data relevant to their topic. Finally, I use it to communicate, show & share information, e.g. RCTA (Redwood City Teachers Association) set up a Google group account for teachers to communicate privately. I feel google tools help students as well as teachers and parents become involved and engaged. Futhermore, Google Tools expand everyone’s knowledge of the world around him or her. Here are some great Google Tool sites and resources for educators to use.
1. Google for educators
2. Google tools you may have never heard of
3. This site supports teachers in helping them understand google tools and how they are used with children.
4. Google Earth is a free browser for students to study the earth
5. Google Page Creater is a great tool for anyone to create their own web page
6. Google Docs and Spreadsheets is a word processor and spreadsheet editor where you can share with others what you have created
7. Google Maps are helpful in locating your destination
8. Google SketchUp in the Classroom is used for drawing 3D imagery such as buildings and geometric shapes
9. Google Picasa in the Classroom is used to organize, edit and share photos for free. I would like to use this in my classroom for an open house presentation.
10. Google Blogger in the Classroom is used to publish blogs or weblogs.

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